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Don’t Give God Your Leftovers

Writer's picture: Jason DollJason Doll

By Jason R. Doll

The Bible tells the story in Genesis 4 about two brothers who were providing God a sacrifice. Their names were Cain and A

bel. Abel gave God the “firstborn of his flock.” It was the best animal he had, and he gave God his very best to God.

His brother Cain had a different sacrifice. Instead of giving the best he had to God, Cain gave a sacrifice that was not pleasing to God. Cain gave God his leftovers. The Bible tells, “In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD” (Gen. 4:3).

Cain didn’t give God his best; he gave what he had left over. He gave God a fraction of what he felt he could give. Perhaps Cain kept the best for himself? Perhaps it was the extra portions of his stock he didn’t need. Whatever it was, he was not giving God his best.

What’s the difference here? Cain gave the leftover of his produce while Abel gave God the best of his flock. Cain saved the best for himself, but Abel saved the best to the Lord. The true issue is about the matter of the heart, about giving God our all.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

God calls us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices Monday through Sunday, seven days a week. We aren’t called to serve God only when we are doing church activities, mission work, or Christian work. We are to give God our best at all we do at all times.

We can’t fool God. He knows what we are capable of, and where our loyalties lie. He is all knowing. No matter how much we try to forget this detail. By giving God our “leftovers”, we are implying that we are more of a priority than God. That God deserves whatever we can’t use for ourselves, anybody, or anything else? We can’t fool God. He knows what we are capable of, and where our loyalties lie.

If everyone served God the way you do, how would the world look?

God is worthy of our very best. Not just some of the time, but all the time. If some people gave their full-time job the same effort they give God, they would be fired. We should give God our best at all we do.

If everyone served God the way you do, how would the world look? Would it be better, worse, or the same? For most of us, to consider this question is convicting. Why? Because, we often fail to give God our very best.

God wants our first fruits with all we have. He wants our best in all we do. He wants to be our first love. Not only does He want our best, He deserves our best!

If you want God’s best for your life, you must give Him your best. You must give Him your all. It requires a heart commitment; it means giving Him the greatest part of you in every area of your life.

Giving God your best is a decision you must make on a daily basis. Every day, you must surrender completely to Him, giving your best in who you are, what you have and what you do. You cannot achieve victory in the Lord if you settle for giving the bare minimum. You don’t have to be the best, but you must give God your best. When you do, He will lift you up, so you can achieve all God created you to be.

Romans 12:1 says that total surrender to the Lord is critical: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

Giving God part of you is like having only half of a boat at sea. It might be a boat, but you are still going to sink. Do not give God a percentage of your efforts; give God your all. Exceed what’s expected of you; give your all to God. Give God your all, give Him your best, and give Him that extra degree of effort. Give until it hurts, and watch God’s blessings flourish in your life.

Do you give God your leftovers? How about your leftover time? Do you have a planned time of day to meet with God? Or do you rush about your day, thinking you’ll meet with God later?

Do you give God your leftover money? The Bible is clear that God desires tithing and giving to be a priority in your personal budget, not a leftover excess giving, but a sacrificial giving.

Do you give God your leftov

er energy? Are you wasting your youth on busyness and other pursuits so that you don’t have any energy left to serve Christ?

Are you giving God priority in your life, or is He the recipient of your leftovers? Make God’s work your first concern in life. As you put God first in your day today, remember this verse: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Matt. 22:37).

Get excited and do all He has called you to do. Be all He created you to be. If you get up every day giving God your best and expect God’s favor, you’ll see God do amazing things in your life. You’ll defeat every enemy. You will overcome your hurdles. You will achieve the impossible. And you will see a life you never knew.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do and all your plans will succeed.

Copyright © Jason Doll Ministries

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