He conversed with Adam in the garden. He told Noah to build an ark. He spoke to Moses in a burning bush. Paul heard His voice on the way to Damascus. He spoke to men and women of the Bible, but does God still speak to us today? If so, how? When? Where? God has always been a speaking God, and He still speaks to us today. God speaks to individuals in ways that are personal and unique to each person. He wants to speak to you. Hearing from God doesn’t have to be complex. Once you grasp God’s love, you can begin to hear His still small voice. In this book, Jason helps you learn how to better hear God, while laying out Scripture by different subjects that will assist you in hearing God’s individual messages to you. When we begin to understand the general and specific ways God speaks to us, we cultivate a life of deeper connection with our creator. Are you searching for inspiring words from God to give expression to your life? This collection of Bible verses and devotionals will encourage and remind you how much God desires to lift you up, carry you through difficult times, and lead you to lasting joy. Hear God and draw near to Him today!
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